Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blog #3


1. I feel that this video captures my college experience exactly. I feel like just a number in almost every single one of my classes. I have no self motivation to go to class because i feel that my teachers wouldn't even notice if i was absent. I am also one of the many students that buy books for every class that I don't even end up using.
I also believe that many students feel the same way about not having enough hours in the day. I feel stressed and worried all the time trying to balance work, school, home work, and extra curricular activities. In order to get everything done you must be a multi-tasker, and when doing that you cant focus on two things at once. I don't feel that i should have to take "core" classes because that is what high school is for. College should be all about my major, not about putting students in debt.

2. I agree with this article. So many teachers stick to only pencil and paper and forget about the changing world around them. Technology is an essential tool that I feel so many teachers are taking advantage of. Teachers discourage the use of laptops in the classroom by banning them from schools completely. But I feel do not fill that teachers should force it on students either. Teachers should in courage students to think outside the box and figure out problems using their own tools, whether is a textbook, a website, or collaborating with classmates.

3. I do not believe that teachers should be technologically illiterate, even though, many of these teachers have been out of school for a while and their not use to teaching with technology. Some do not even know how to use Google Docs or even know of Gmail. It should possibly be the administration's responsibility to provide optional classes over the summer for teachers that will educate their staff about the importance of using technology in the classroom. Some people will not go out of their way to learn how to use technology, but if schools provide their teachers with programs where they can learn how to incorporate technology in the classroom, then their students might be more willing to learn.

4. This means that technology is moving so fast and expanding so rapidly, that by the time I retire from teaching, if I haven't not incorporated technology, I would be so far behind it would even be funny.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brittany,

    I agree with what you said that you have to be a multi tasker. In this day and age if you don't multi task you are never going to be able to keep up. I do not agree though about not going to class because the teacher will not know if you are there or not. You should go to class because YOU will know if you are there or not. Your work will reflect it. You use the term self motivation. That is exactly what you need to do is motivate yourself because it is important to you. Good luck with the rest of the class. I know it is kicking my butt!
    Molly Dekin
