#1 - This type of study is like independent study, with the teacher directing the student to find the real sources of information rather than just finding opinions and speculation. This allows the student to chart their own path of learning. Making the student more active in the entire learning process, from deciding the topics of learning, to finding the methods of learning, to ultimately learning what is of interest to them.
While the students appears to be teaching themselves, the role of the instructor is vital. The instructor is needed as a guide, a mentor, a definitive source of factual information. The instructor is also editor of the information that the student will be posting in their own blogs and RSS feeds related to the subject matter.
By the students use of RSS feeds and blogs, they are able to share the knowledge they have acquired with the world. When future students web search topics, they will return results of the former students information. Thus leaving a footprint for future generations to follow across the internet.
#2 - My PLN is organized by week, while this students is organized by subject matter. She has included not only those subjects related to study topics, but also personal interest such as Facebook and favorite music and video sites. My PLN is subject specific, while her's is used for all of the classes she is currently taking.
#3 - Staton and Ferriter seem to be of the mindset that the instructor should no longer stand in front of the students, rather they should be among the students while they teach. However, Ledesma is still the kind of instructor that views being in front of the class, giving a lecture and providing examples as the best method of teaching. Both make good arguments for their views of the use or lack of use, of Interactive White Boards (IWB). Staton and Ferriter argue that IWB's are simply a waste of money and that there are other less expensive methods for getting information to the students; citing the use of existing computer stations, which not all schools have. In contrast, Ledesma provides three excellent points showing how IWB's can be effectively and efficiently used to pass information along to not only students, but also their parents without the need of in classroom computers, which are far more expensive than IWB's.
I like all these ideas and phrases that are being thrown around by you guys. "independent study" and "connectivity" and "like-minded learners"... all of which show me that you are really getting this PLN concept. Keep up the good work!